Calvary Bible Church

Informational Booklets

AACS Protection Battle Plan
2/20/03—a standing proposal to provide AACS with a simple yet comprehensive legislative plan to maintain and expand our political freedom. “Let not your children have reason to curse you for giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which your father delivered to you.” Mathias Burnett, Congregational pastor

BCSA Legislative Program for 2001
12/6/00—a summary of BCSA’s Political Philosophy, a political philosophy for serving God in this generation (Acts 13:36). See also “Is There Not a Cause?”

Book of Lists on Administration
9/5/99—contains list of scriptures on writing a constitution and a summary on leadership and on “how to debate”

Calvary Bible Church Constitution
Adopted 7/18/60—a wonderful church constitution for this generation

Coaches Handbook
12/17/04—a sports and coaching philosophy prepared for the Lima Christian Academy. This booklet contains a listing of the soccer, volleyball, and basketball fundamentals.

Depend on God
2/14/98—scriptures and encouragement for “wholeness of heart”

Developing Your Own Unique Curriculum
9/30/05—a one-page paper which promotes each school’s developing its own unique curriculum

 1/95?; 9/22/08—every reference to education in the Bible

Essentials of Knowledge
9/05—a collection of those “essentials” to know, including the “five elements of obedience” (p.3), the Declaration of Independence (p.9), “Important Dates of World History” (Dr. Panosian, p.15), themes of the Bible (pgs.22-25), verses every Christian should know (pgs.29-30), “How to Study,” “How to Think” (p.28), and “Books to Have Read and Mastered” (p.32)

Family Book of Lists
7/2/98; 10/20/02—a summary for developing a biblical family, from “finding a wife” to child training to finances to “Goals for Children to Master before Leaving Home.” See the booklet’s Table of Contents.

Fully Matured Teacher
11/7/02; 8/2/05—what needs mastered (and continually revived) as a first-year as well as a thirty-year teacher?

“Is There Not a Cause?!”
7/15-19/03—what the Bible says about political involvement, a booklet for high schoolers, prepared for an AACS youth legislative conference. See also “BCSA Legislative Program for 2001.”

Job Sermon Booklet
11/16/00; 12/31/05—help to interpret Job properly and to be filled with the fullness of God and not self

Job Sermons
11/17/00—some of the Job sermons, 9/14/97-11/17/00

Leadership Retreat
4/2/00—a review of the leadership course to develop men as leaders for the local church

Leadership Retreat
7/19/03—a study on manliness (booklet) prepared for the men of New Lexington Bible Church

Life of God in the Soul of Man
8/26/01—a practical booklet summarizing and teaching the classic Life of God in the Soul of Man by Henry Scougal (b.1650), “to show us what a true Christian is, to move us and help us each to be one; especially to prick the lethargic and encourage the despondent, especially the ones who feel they have tried and failed (Col. 1:24-29)”

Lost Tools of Learning
A classic article on education by Dorothy Sayers, delivered by her at Oxford in 1947. The three levels of “grammar,” “dialectic,” and “rhetoric” are described

Mastery of the Bible

“Nails” Book of Lists (Ec.12:10-11)
11/26/06—a miscellany of lists including “Eleven Nails of Election,” “Eight Nails of Medicine,” and “Eight Nails of Race”

Promise Series
2017—a study guide prepared by Pastor Keith Hamblen for the use of CBC as they viewed The Promise Series, a 3-DVD set on the story of Israel from the call of Abraham to modern day Israel, produced by Israel My Glory 

Revelation booklet
12/31/03—key people, places, and things of the Book of Revelation organized by chapter and verse for the people of CBC. The booklet contains prophecy summary charts as well as drawings by Albrecht Dürer illustrating Revelation.

Scripture Songs
Passages of Scripture set to music

Scriptural Role of Civil Government in Education
3/6/98—a one-page paper describing the scriptural and constitutional relationship between education and the state

Secretary Orientation
11/1/04; 6/1/05—a one-page paper giving crucial secretarial principles

Separation Position of CBC
8/10/99—separation is the outworking of the “abiding-in-Christ” relationship, moving “out of” sin and “unto” Christ. This booklet contains verses compiled by Pastor Frank Hamblen as well as a listing of the “Axioms of Separation” by Pastor John Ashbrook.

Spiritual Warfare
8/17/97; 3/8/19—a collection of articles, scriptures, listings, and hymns delineating spiritual warfare

Sunday School Teachers Book of Lists
11/20/02—a vision for mastery of the Word of God through the local church, including “How to Teach,” “Standards for Christian Workers,” and John Ashbrook’s “Birdseye View of the Bible”

Theology of Civil Government
11/6/04—a five-page “theology” prepared for the AACS in hopes that a national fundamentalist legislative program would consciously develop out of the scriptures

Theology of Education
1/29/04—a three-page “theology” prepared for the AACS in hopes that a national fundamentalist educational program would consciously develop out of the scriptures